I personally would rather have coding standards around what’s great design and how much test coverage you should have than spend a whole lot of time on exactly how the code that does get written is formatted. Because there will always be disagreements on what’s “right,” and if you’re going to put your foot down then you pretty much have to have a “don’t whine about it” rule or you’re endlessly going to be debating something or other every time someone new joins the team.
So I’ll absolutely change a linting rule that insists on those extra spaces inside parentheses from an error to a warning and brackets and aggressively mismatch, but other things I care less about I’ll just sigh and conform.
I used to vertically align things like you do, but it becomes too much of a pain in the butt over time. You get where you don’t want to give anything one of those long names you’re so fond of because it means you’ll have to add an extra 3 tabs to every single row, and good luck getting anyone else on the team to do it (so it doesn’t age well if other people need to touch it anyway). Ultimately it wastes time.