I think a lot of people, especially competent people, become assholes when mismanaged (https://amy-blankenship.medium.com/rethinking-whats-rude-d65b0a7baaa7). If someone is producing 10x more than many, if not most, of their teammates, that implies an unaddressed training gap. They're also probably responsible for fixing substandard work and pulling troubled features across the finish line by sheer dint of will.
Let's face it, most organizations like to pretend that developers are interchangeable, so it can be politically inconvenient to recognize that someone just lacks the basic skills to do some part of their job and needs further training. And, again, it can also be politically inconvenient to recognize that, if not for TenX, this feature would not have been successfully built. So TenX has to internalize a LOT of frustration, and it's a rare person who can do that without genuinely becoming an asshole. And even if they are NOT genuinely an asshole, many organizations perceive strongly advocating for yourself or trying to head off a situation where, once again, you'll have to burn the midnight oil to save a bad situation you warned about to be being an asshole.
So managers, if you have a 10x asshole on your team, look in the mirror and ask if that's why.