"It's a bad idea, but hey, that's what they want" is something that's been said on nearly every team I've been part of. This is why best practices exist--they allow you to quickly rip out those bad ideas when the POs finally realize and replace them with something better. I think if you leave every time this is said, you will not stay anywhere for very long.
"This is how it's always been done"
I have seen a lot of developers take "we decided to do it this way for valid reasons and can't relitigate it for every new dev" this way. It's an art to know when you need to push back on that (and how) and when you need to just accept that's the decision and move on. This is difficult to get right, and it's actually a skill developers should have that can take years to get right--if you ever can master it.
"You're the best programmer here by a mile"
OMG I can't even with your point here. This is the time to develop your skills in mentoring other developers. To decide just because you appear to others to be the best developer around that you have nothing to learn in that job smacks of hubris.
And how did you even get to be the best developer there if you can't grow further without having someone you directly work with teach you? Did that person leave because YOU weren't teaching them anything?
"The coffee used to be a lot better"
OK, agreed
"I'm worried about you"
Could also be: you're not as productive as expected/normal.
I got nothing. This literally never happens to me, even when I'm in a meeting thinking I have no reason to have an opinion so I'll sit this one out.