It's kinda inconsistent to be upset that people think you're a dinosaur because you've been around a while + you have a different viewpoint, while at the same time you more or less call them morons for not having been around long + they have a different viewpoint.
The reason they have a different viewpoint is, as you rightly point out, they have been captured by a bunch of "thought leaders" who tell them that what they wanted to do anyway is a great thing to do. IOW, they made newbies feel good about their state of knowledge.
If you actually want to change the state of the industry, you're not going to do it by belittling people for taking bad advice that looks to them like good advice. I think the only people that agree with you are people who have been around long enough to see the same sequence of events play out multiple times before.
I do disagree with you about frameworks, though. Most devs out there right now have little understanding of or inclination toward clean code, and when you turn a bunch of them loose on a project, frameworks keep them somewhat headed in roughly the same direction.