I've been doing this a long time, and JS used to have divide by zero errors. Thanks for calling the change to my attention.
I apologize for being flip and not communicating effectively. Nullish coalescing operator does not do the same job as the logical or. My point was that you can't just blindly substitute and expect the same result. In your "bad" example, you probably want to leave the logical or in place, because there's very little use for the value infinity--it's probably unexpected in this context and the calling code will probably not defend against it. Same thing for dividing by an empty string (user input will be a string, absent casting it somewhere). However, both nullish coalescing and logical or will do the wrong thing when the string is "0".
When your target value is a string, you probably want to provide a default value when it's null, undefined, _or an empty string_, and logical or is what you want.
There is no value for anybody to read your article if they already understand these nuances, so it's your responsibility to call them out so you don't lead people into error.