To be fair, this exists in the industry as a whole. To look at front end technology, we had Flash, which was blamed for poor performance, which was really caused by crappy developers who either didn't know or didn't care to develop performant software. So we killed off Flash and it was more or less replaced by AngularJS or vanilla Jquery. And, oddly, software built in these technologies didn't perform well. So then someone created react, which was performant for the toy products that were all the initial versions were good for. And then when it was used for significant projects with significant requirements, oddly, people started getting performance problems. And so you don't even have to move on to be a nomad, people will bring a new pasture to you every couple of years and not notice you're still just as bad as you were at the last one before in a couple of years you get to blame the framework and rewrite in a new one.