You completely missed the point of what I was saying. I have used concepts I learned training dogs in teaching technology to others, therefore, I know that one can learn things in training dogs that are relevant to teaching technology. You may not be able to see how that works, and it’s because you both lack the relevant experience and you are, apparently, unable to conceive of how one can take things one has learned in one area of her life and apply it to other problems. That combination is a little sad, TBH.
As you have said in your article, a formal CS education does not equip developers for the real development world. It’s a training problem. I have trained many people to be better developers, and the way I most commonly use is teaching them Test Driven Development, which applies the concepts from animal training of (1) breaking things down in small chunks and (2) setting up the environment so it is hard for them not to learn what you want them to learn.